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Opinions of
food industry

Abstracts from the Opinions of the Enterprises Applying Ozonator Orion-Si ОП1-М
State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection
"...Our tests of ozonator OP1-M in the bacteriological laboratory of our centre have revealed high degree of reduction of pathogenic organism content (50-70%).
Ozone application allows to save the trouble of taking other means of disinfection in the facilities (bactericidal lamps, chemical treatment)."
Kamchatka region Center for
State sanitary-epidemiological
expertise at transport vehicles
June 20,1996
Diary Industry
"During operation testing sour-cream production tanks with the capacity of lmЗ underwent a twenty-minute ozone treatment after cleaning.
After this procedure bacteriological laboratory specialists of our enterprise took 14 wipe samples, no coliform bacterium (indicator of sufficient disinfection of the equipment) was found."

Lyubertsy diary factory
January 25, 1995
"...Eight of nine wipe samples taken from the untreated equipment had groups of coliform bacteria. A twenty-minute ozone treatment of the culture tanks with its piping and stop valves,
ten-minute treatment of churns and thirty minute treatment of sour cream tanks allowed to eliminate coliform bacteria in all the wipe samples."

Stupino diary factory
January 19, 1996
"Ozonator is used for treating diary product tanks, piping, inoculation facilities, bacteriological laboratory facilities, kefir corns transportation section. Ozonator OP1-M together with other traditional disinfection techtniques allowed to improve
sanitary-bacteriological properties of diary products, their storage life, the latter being of great importance in wan season, as well as the quality of treatment of the facilities requiring extreme sterilization."
Verlhnyaya Pyshma diary factory July 25,2000
Meat industry
"It was used for treatment of the facilities, equipment, tools, minced meat tendering rooms. The ozonators were operated within 8 hours in the day time and 6 hours in the night time. The total airspace of the minced meat tendering room makes up 1680 m3. Ozone treatment of minced meat tendering rooms, meat cooling houses, finished product storages, semi-smoked sausage drying rooms included treating walls, equipment and products kept in the rooms. The ozonators were operated within 12-14 hours in the day time and 3 hours in the night time.
The average airspace of treated rooms is 600m3. The average weight of products is 2500 kg. Ozone treatment has allowed to reduce the monthly number of cases of fungus formation on the surface of semi-smoked sausages from 5 to 1, with no cases of bacterial content on the products or minced meat soaring being detected. Returnable package cleaning facilities were treated with the help of the ozonator operated within 6 hours in the day time and 8 hours in the night time. The airspace of the facilities is 980m3, two units were applied."

Breeding plant, agricultural company CJSC "Krasnodonskoye"
October 25, 2000
Veterinary medicine
"... The unit was used for ozone treatment of sick animals suffering from hard-to-heal wounds, pustular dermatitis, weeping eczema. The animals underwent ozone treatment once a day during 5-10 minutes. 3-4 procedures allowed to reduce pain syndrome,
skin itch, exudative processes in wounds and ensured their fast cleansing, active growth of granulation tissue and epithelization acceleration. Absolute recovery came after 10-15 procedures".
Babushkinskaya veterinary clinic
January 13,1999
Fur production
"Properties of raw materials: the tests were carried out using moth-eaten sheep skins and karakul. There were living moths on the skins.
200-250 skins were treated during each test. Finally, all flying moths were killed."
JSC "Russki mekh"
January 21,1996
Non-alcoholic drinks production